In Memory Of

Mary Therese Klinker

Captain, US Air Force

Lafayette, Indiana
October 3, 1947 to April 4, 1975

Captain Klinker was a flight nurse assigned to Clark Air Base in the Philippines. She was attending to the health care of hundreds of Vietnamese orphans on a U.S. Air Force C-5A Galaxy which crashed on April 4, 1975 near Saigon. The plane was on a mission for Operation Babylift, which had placed hundreds of Amerasian orphans with homes in the U.S.A.

Captian Klinker was 27 years old.
She was posthumously awarded the Airman's Medal for Heroism and the Meritorious Service Medal.

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On The Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Panel 1W- Line 122

Database details about Mary Terese Klinker

Vietnam Women's Memorial Fund

Military Woman Home Page . .Marilyn's web page about women in Vietnam

Some details about the 8 military and 56 civilian American women killed in the war.

Family Contacts | The Virtual Wall | The Moving Wall

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The background image was derived from a photo of the Vietnam Women's Memorial,
which is copyrighted by Glenna Goodacre and VWMF. Used here with permission from VWMF.